HORUS-PTS commands a strong foothold in the realm of maintenance services, as evidenced by its considerable expertise in the field. A team of seasoned professionals with extensive experience in servicing and preserving the functionality of diverse telecommunications infrastructures form the backbone of this service.
Our organization employs a proactive approach to network maintenance, prioritizing the identification and resolution of potential issues before they escalate into critical problems. Our team conducts comprehensive inspections to ensure that fiber cables, ducts, and cable tray safety are up to par.
Palliative preventive maintenance is a crucial precursor to palliative maintenance, as it facilitates the gathering of essential data during preventative maintenance activities. The collected data is then leveraged for optimization and analysis to support palliative maintenance efforts, which play a pivotal role in extending the lifespan of your network while preserving its operational efficiency at 100%.
The efficacy of corrective maintenance is contingent upon the expediency of response, highly trained teams, well-suited equipment, and readily available tools. Temporary service maintenance should be promptly executed, followed by a thorough corrective action such as repairing or replacing dysfunctional components or equipment that are causing failure or malfunction.